Everything changes so quickly in this world;
If you got the chance to read these words;
It’s my great honor to meet you in this fragmented upgrading and iterating internet era.
我是杨京川,我前半生将近二十年的职业生涯中,有14年的时间,献给了这个世界上最伟大的公司之一——IBM。在公司从业的这十几年,我从区域负责人,到解决方案渠道管理,再到行业负责人,经历过行业的不同时期, 在体会“蓬勃发展”和“举步维艰”之间又多了一些淡然。
I’m Yang Jingchuan, I have committed myself for 14 years of my nearly two-decade career to IBM, one of the greatest companies in the world. In the past decade or so in IBM, I have experienced different periods of the industry, from regional director to solution channel mana gement to industry leader, taking it lightly between “booming” and “struggling”.
Today, I’d like to devote myself to a new battlefield in the light of my 20-year industry experience as well as the awe and dream of “talent cultivation”. Therefore, “Deep Thinking” is founded.
Only our thinking framework, “Have a deep thought on current situation and dig into the profession”, can focus on the moment and realize “the practice of thoughts and wisdom”. By analyzing industry situation in professional insights, we can follow the “opportunity ” and make movements. Positioned as the development and cultivation company of “T” talents, Deep Thinking combines breadth with depth organically.
“一” represents breadth with our diversified leadership training contents; “I” means depth with our professional and in-depth sales personnel system.
We believe that,
It is wise to think deep
The depth of thinking is based on professionalism
Deep Thinking is our attitude and basic elements of your business operation.
Deep Thinking refers to think wisely and sharply. Being wise to find truth.
在这里再一次感谢培养我的伟大公司IBM, 我们的logo向“智慧的地球”致敬!蓝色文化将是我不断前行的动力!
Here I would like to extend my thanks to my great partner IBM, and pay my tribute to “intelligent earth” for our logo! Blue culture will be my motivation to keep moving forward! Thank you again for your time on deep thinking, and let's work together to promote excellence.
Yang Jingchuan, Founder, Partner& Chief Adviser